Saturday, April 24, 2010

Been here before...time to move on

Hard to believe it's been 6 months since we returned to Arizona, crutches and all. The knee has healed nicely. Barely a visible scar. The holidays with family and friends have been memorable. Shuffleboard tournaments, navigating across a swollen Tonto Creek, 2 different jobs and lots of mud shoveling have kept me very busy. But now it's time to return to the jungle and the sea. As you can see from the photo, Gordie is BACK on crutches. This time a broken ankle from a car accident. Deja vu. Sadly he won't be able to join me until the end of the month, but he should be able to make some great comparisons between medical care in the US and that in Costa Rica. Well, back to last minute packing. Six months of clothing and supplies is being crammed into one suitcase. Always a challenge. Adios desert. Hola jungle.