Friday, September 7, 2007

Hatching Turtles in Ostional

September 7, 2007. Today we took a very long drive from the northern Pacific beaches heading south along the western side of the Nicoya Peninsula to the remote town of Ostional – not our original destination. Our initial plan was to see if we could drive all the way around the peninsula. The unpaved road became more challenging as we headed south. Potholes were many but the scenery was incredible. As night approached we began encountering small rivers flowing across the road. Since it was the raining season, the rivers were muddy and it was impossible to see the bottom so Gordie would get out of the car, wade across and see how deep they were. The word “crocodile” never made it into our conversation. A short distance after passing through the small town of Ostional and crossing our 7th river, we were confronted by a very wide, very swift river with a car sitting about half way across it on a sandbar. Gordie waded out to talk with the occupants. After some discussion we all decided it would be best to find a place to sleep in Ostional and take a closer look at this river in the morning. We found a small cabina for $3.00 per person. It was late, we were tired, it was time for an Imperial beer at the local bar. After serving us a cold one, the bartender turned on a DVD about the town and the significance of the Olive Ridley turtle. Our timing was perfect. The thousands of baby sea turtles were hatching and making their journey to the sea. We woke up at the break of dawn, headed for the beach and participated in this amazing phenomenon of nature. A portion of this experience is captured on this video.

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