Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Our new home in Costa Rica

We made it! Arrived in San Jose on a direct flight on Thursday and spent the night at “our usual place,” the Millenium II hotel near the airport. On Friday March 14th we made our way to our “new” home in “Hone Creek” – at least we think it ‘s Hone Creek…seems other “officials” refer to it as “Carbon” which we can’t find on the map. Someday soon we will know our real address!!! In the first few days we have been here we have already cleaned up the yard, purchased an “estanion” (large barrel for burning trash), hung the new Monkey Curtains in the bathroom/shower structure and painted the same. Gordie seems to have chased most of the bats out that were making a home under one of our beds and on the rafters. Much against our initial convictions, we did end up buying a small bottle of bug spray for a few ant (?) nests in cabinets. Peace with the animal kingdom is on its way now. It’s only been 5 days since we arrived but the progress is evident everywhere. And yes, there has been plenty of PLAY time. Spent a day visiting Playa Uvita and Playa Uva – too beautiful for words so taking camera next time…dinner at El Dorado in Puerto Viejo was also fun.

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