Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Sloth Alert…

We were sitting around relaxing after dinner when the dogs began barking with an unfamiliar bark. We ran out and there was a big old sloth – maybe 30 lbs – walking across our yard. By the time we got the camera he was leaving under the bushes so we only got a picture from the back. We have seen them in the trees but this is the first time we saw one on the ground and so so close. Very exciting!


Anonymous said...

This is so awesome! Lili, ever since Steve told me you've become an expatriate I've become obsessed with the idea. I'll be tuning in often.

--Jerry Tosic

Anonymous said...

Thats sooo rad sloths are one of my favorites and I hear they rarely come outta the trees you guys are catchin' some prime wildlife moments indeed!


Anonymous said...

Looks like sasquatch!