Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Dog days of summer…

It seems like we went through 2 or 3 weeks of overcast afternoons, more rain than usual in the morning or evening and waves at all of our favorite beaches. This was great weather for the Puerto Viejo Pro Surf Tournament on August 9th, of course but not so great for casual swimming. Now we are in a period of perfect water – at least for those who like to swim and snorkel. We’ve spent 4 of the last 5 days at the beach and are planning another outing tomorrow. One day we brought Spot, Tiger & Blondie (3 of the puppies) to the Salsa Brava beach with us. They had a great time playing with each other as well as other people at the beach, although it did take a good deal of “encouragement” to get Spot and Tiger into the water. We stopped at Black Beach on the way out of town for a little more play time before heading home. As luck would have it we struck up a conversation with a young man named junior who was very impressed with Blondie. To make a long story short, Blondie now lives with Junior and we are down to 6 dogs. Since that worked so well we took two of the other dogs to a different beach today. They also had fun but didn’t attract any new parents…tomorrow’s another day and there are still more beaches to hit! (photo shows Brownie at Punta Uva today).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So pretty! Sounds like it is a very good way to find good homes!
