Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jungle Perils

Life in the jungle is not always easy. We arrived home from work one evening and were greeted by a neighbor who had found an infant howler monkey on the jungle floor. He brought it to us hoping we would be able to nurse it back to health or find a vet who could help. It was too late to bring him to the vet (about an hour away) so we gave him warm milk and a little plantain which seemed to give him some new energy. A few other neighbors stopped by – the consensus was that this little fellow was in pretty bad shape. There were several large growths where torselos had bitten him and laid their eggs inside of him. He was not able to sit or crawl on his own and appeared to have internal injuries. We made him a bed, wrapped him to keep him warm and hoped for the best. Sadly he did not make it through the night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sad! It sounds like you are the towns Dr. DoLittle. :)
