Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Missed photo ops…

You just never know when a great photo opportunity will come your way…this past week presented two of them – and, unfortunately, I did not have the camera with me. The first “event” was at my Spanish instructor’s cabina on Monday. Perched quietly in the wood beams above our heads was a boa. The snake had been there for a couple of days already and seemed quite content to just relax a few feet from us. I brought the camera back on Wednesday but the boa had already moved on to another “home.”

On Friday evening we decided to stop at our favorite Chinese restaurant in Cahuita for a quick dinner before heading home to the hills. Almost all restaurants are “open air” meaning no walls just a roof. While we were seated there we happened to look up and notice a sloth making its way across one of the ceiling beams – he went the full width of the ceiling – hanging upside down of course, until reaching a tree branch and continuing his journey via trees.

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