Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Getting in out of the rain…

I was sitting on the front porch this afternoon enjoying a much-needed rainfall when I noticed an animal by the front gate. At first I thought it was one of the dogs, but soon realized this matted-fur creature was a two-toed sloth looking for some cover from the elements. He climbed to the top of the gate and over to a mamon chino tree. The tall, thin branches were good for climbing but the tree lacked enough leaf coverage to keep him dry, so off he went, branch-by-branch, to an adjoining tree. This one, a cashew tree, had great overhead protection but lacked the tall branches that sloths seem to prefer to keep them safe from predators. Next he tried climbing over to the car. Now this place definitely looked safe and dry. But he soon discovered that his two-toed arms and legs that are so great for climbing throughout the jungle couldn’t help him get in or on a metal and glass car. He tried crouching under the car but that didn’t seem right either. The rains continued. Two-and-a-quarter inches in an hour. Another tropical plant was tried and rejected. Finally he was at the house which is built on stilts. Here he could crawl under the house to stay dry and curl up for some much needed rest, totally ignoring the 5 dogs that were also seeking refuge there. It’s late now and still raining. The only sounds we hear are the chirping of frogs and rain on the tin roof. All seems quiet under the house. We hope our new visitor has a safe, dry night and comes back often.

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