Friday, March 6, 2009

The door-to-door Optometrist…

Our house is on a dirt road about 2-and-a-half miles from the pavement. There are about 50 houses from the beginning of the road to ours. To put this in perspective, there are about 24 houses (12 on each side of the street) on the city block in Scottsdale, Arizona where I also have a house. Since we are in such a rural area, we were very excited to find out that two different vegetable trucks come up the road every week to sell us fresh produce. Then there were the people selling large, very large, heavy-duty aluminum cooking pots. A different day there were people selling very nice twill bedspreads. Oh, I almost forgot the vendor who was selling some type of powdered drink mix – at least that’s what we thought it was. There have been bamboo furniture salesmen and bread sellers. You just never know what someone is selling until you go out to the road and take a look. The other day I heard the traditional call coming from our gate: “Upee!” I walked outside and to my surprise it was a traveling Optometrist. He was very polite, very professional and ready to give us a complete eye exam in the convenience of our home. Now that’s service!!!

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