Monday, August 10, 2009

Rainy day activities

As luck would have it, it rained 6 out of the first 7 days that our Arizona friends, Bill and DorisAnn (see photo), were in Puerto Viejo. Luckily the bars, restaurants and shops are still open but it definitely cuts down the beach time. We have spent many hours playing Rumikub and have also tried Dominos – a very popular game down here. We also tried to take advantage of every break in the weather and explore the area. They are staying at the Agape hotel which is on a jungle-beach path that connects the main shopping area of Puerto Viejo to the main surfing beach, Cocles. (Photo shows Bill, DorisAnn and Gordie leaving the Agape gate to walk along the path). We took the path to a small beachside restaurant late one afternoon for a delicious meal and “happy hour.” Another afternoon we took to path to Cocles beach. The path was a little muddy causing DorisAnn to slip – no injuries but a great photo which is NOT shown here. For that you will have to ask her personally!

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