Monday, June 7, 2010

Putting your best foot forward... Flip Flops or Tevas.

It's one of those questions
I ask myself each morning.
In the Caribbean region of
Costa Rica, especially in
beach towns like Puerto Viejo
and Cahuita, everyone -
no exaggeratiopn - everyne,
wears flip flops. Walking, riding bicycles, driving motorcycles or scooters. In dresses and bathing
suits. Doesn't seem to matter. Everyone wears flip flops. Well, I do a lot of walking and it's not all
beach walking. We live in the mountains a few miles from the beaches so I often walk down the
dirt road to take a bus. Sorry, but I haven't seemed to master the fine art of "hiking" in flip flops
on mountain roads and have selected Tevas as my shoe of choice. The sole is much sturdier
and the straps guarantee that the sandal is still on my foot when I've made it to the bus stop.
I was convinced that Tevas were the way to go. Until today. Today the sole came off of my
second pair of Tevas in two weeks! The only explanation I can think of is that it is too drastic
for shoe glue to go from the 0% humidty of Arizona to the 80% humidity here. I 've now glued
them back on using Costa Rican approved and produced glue. I'm trying to adjust to flip flops
while they dry but my feet aren't cooperating. Apparently there are special toe muscles that help
you keep them on your feet while you walk. Another set of muscles I am lacking I guess!

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