Tuesday, July 20, 2010


This past month has gone by very, very quickly. As a matter of fact, the past 3 months have flown by. I am waiting for a bus to take me to Panama to meet my 90-day visa requirement. Even with the recent changes to the immigration laws in Costa Rica, it is still necessary for North Americans to leave every 90 days. 90 days. I can’t believe I have been down here that long already.

While we were in the States a “beach” friend of ours from Puerto Viejo, made sure all of our utility bills were paid and paid on time, while another , a “jungle” friend from Carbon Uno aka Hone Creek, kept an eye on our house in the jungle. So, when we came back down it was “payback” time. The beach friend went to the States for 6 weeks to visit family and the jungle friend became ill and left for a month as well. As luck would have it, these times overlapped so Gordie spent his time at the beach watching a house with 2 dogs and I spent my time in the jungle watching 5 dogs. We'd meet during the day and enjoy a swim and sometimes lunch, then back to our respective "jobs." Both friends are back now so it's back to “normal” in our lives as well. So, you can expect to see more stories in the days to come. It is so nice to have friends you can count on. We consider ourselves blessed.

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