Monday, August 2, 2010

Never know what you’ll run into ‘round here

A couple of days ago we were riding the motorcycle back home after a day at the beach. The road to our house, Carbon Road, is beautiful with lush jungle on both sides and occasional houses along the way. Gordie spotted some “critter” in the road and stopped. To our delight it was a 3-toed sloth who was just starting his way across the road. Lucky for me he was slow as it gave me time to find my glasses and my cell phone so I could take his picture before he went back up a tree for another week.

Today on the way home from the beach I had an encounter of another kind. We stopped at the local hardware store in Hone Creek to pick up a handle for a shovel. As we approached to door I noticed a car from the Jaguar Center, a local rehab shelter for lost and injured jungle animals. The gal from the center had a 1-year old Congo (howler) monkey with her. When I went over to talk with her, little “Angela” climbed out the car window and sat on my head with her tail around my neck - a breathtaking experience. Guess you could say we were not fast enough with the camera, so the photo you see here, a few moments AFTER the perfect photo op, was taken when her “daddy” came out of the hardware store. To say the least “Angela” was very excited and couldn’t wait to go see him. Fortunately I did stop her from leaping off my head and promised to go to the Jaguar Center to visit sometime soon.

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