Saturday, September 8, 2007

Manual Antonio National Park

September 7, 2007. Manual Antonio National Park is one of the most visited locations in Costa Rica. We spent time in the area last year, shopping, dining and playing on the beach by the entrance to the park but never went inside. This year I wanted to find out what the park offered that wasn’t in the surrounding area, so we waded across the shallow water to the entrance, shelled out the $7 entry fee and went inside. Within a few minutes of starting down the well-shaded jungle path we spotted our first wild animal – something from the rat family. Next we spotted an adorable family of baby raccoons followed by a coatimundi and a sloth in a tree. The iguanas were plentiful as well and did not seem to have any fear of humans as they made themselves at home on people’s beach towels. We spent a leisurely afternoon on the tropical Manual Antonio beach watching the capuchin monkeys and playing in the surf. Occasionally a killer wave would crash into shore – the result – a broken rib for Gordie and some very wet, sand-covered towels.

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