Friday, August 7, 2009

New neighbors

The neighborhood has grown since we were last here. Construction is underway on a gas station on the highway. This will save us from driving 45 minutes to get gas and 45 back as we now have to do. There is also a Palí market on the highway where the old Hone Creek Super market used to be. Palí is a national food store and is 51% owned by Walmart. The locally-owned Hone Creek market has built and opened a new store on the same road a short way down from its original location. There is also a new clothing store next to the market. Any day now I expect to see Hone Creek listed on maps. Not too much has changed along the 2-1/2 mile un-named road we take to get home. The jungle is greener than ever (Gordie has already spent many hours cutting down plants so we could find our burn barrel and front porch). All of the cats have left and most of the bats left once they realized we were back. There are still 3 dogs hanging around, Brownie, Tiger and the mom, Stripe. Sadly, my favorite dog, Spot, passed away a short time before we came back. Life can be difficult for animals in the jungle. We were happy to see we have new next door neighbors – a Tico-family that formally lived 3 houses down. Geese, chickens, puppies and kids are all part of the entourage they brought with them. They will make great neighbors and we are looking forward to the next 3 months down here (even though it has rained since we arrived – another day, another story).

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