Saturday, May 12, 2012

Life's simple pleasures

After almost 5 months in the USA, visiting with family and friends, we are back on the Caribbean Coast of Costa Rica. There are always surprises when you come back to a house that has been unoccupied for that long. The first, and most obvious, was the rapid growth of plants in the yard. We had a small, "volunteer" papaya tree that took root in our front planter before we left. We returned to a tree with leaves on the roof. Another great surprise was finding out how much our black pepper vine had grown. There were dozens of stems filled with the ripe green fruits. We hand separated them and dried them for 2 days in the sun. We now have an amble supply of black peppercorns to put in our grinder (the "bunny" is our pepper grinder. The pepper is spicier and tastier than any I have ever bought in a store or been served in a restaurant. I'm not sure if it was just the fascination of being able to make such a simple, everyday staple that makes it taste so good, or if I should be planning for worldwide distribution.

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