Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Animals – friends and foes

Costa Rica is noted for its abundance of wildlife. We have seen monkeys, sloths, toucans and more all from the comfort of our window. We have also seen – in the house -- close up and personal – three huge scorpions each at least 3” long…that would surely put the Tonto Basin scorpions to shame (the one shown in the Tupperware was from our laundry basket). There have been centipeds including the one walking across my bare toe as I surfed the web yesterday – sorry no picture of this one! And of course there are the bats that fly through one window and out the other each evening. These have become so commonplace we actually don’t always notice them. On the lighter side there are also lightning bugs and toads and of course the more domesticated animals like dogs and chickens. The puppies shown here are actually a neighbors but they spend most days and nights at our house sometimes bringing additional siblings.

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