Sunday, April 27, 2008

Waterfalls near BriBri

You can’t see them from the road. There are no signs announcing them. And, as far as I can tell they don’t even have a name. But we were lucky and someone told us to pull into the driveway of a bamboo house on the main road between Hone Creek and BriBri and follow the path. The path was steep but well marked with stairs cut into the mountainside as needed. As we approached we saw 3 places where water rushed over the smooth boulders into a deeper pool below and a couple of kids having a great time diving off the rocks. We walked downstream a little way and looked back at the waterfalls only to discover there was yet a higher falls behind the first set. We hiked up to this one and dove into the clear pool below it. The water was cool, clean and refreshing beneath the spray of the falls. A few more people arrived while we were there bringing the total to less then 10 including us. Our newly discovered waterfalls proved to be a great change of pace from our ocean “beach days” and I am sure we will spend many more warm afternoons playing there. (photos: Lili getting ready to dive into the pool beneath the higher falls and a young boy diving off the rocks at the lower falls).

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