Tuesday, December 2, 2008

…10 days and nights of rain…

…was not going to stop us from having a great time when the family visited over the Thanksgiving holidays. By their second night here (6th straight day of rain) we were without electricity, there was no water at the house and the telephone was down. Seemed like a perfect time to head over to the neighboring town of Cahuita – maybe we could even catch the monkeys howling at Cahuita National Park. As we arrived we soon discovered that high tides had caused the beach and bridge accesses to the Park to wash away. Pura Vida as they say here, not to worry, there was electricity AND water in town as well as stores, bars and restaurants. A clean, inexpensive, convenient hotel WITH hot water topped off the night. The next morning we took advantage of a temporary break in the weather for a stroll through town. We spotted a pickup truck near the school that was attracting a lot of attention and decided to see what all the excitement was about. To our surprise, there was a large – a very large – crocodile in the bed of the truck. Apparently, we heard, this critter had come down to the ocean by way of the swollen waters of the Rio Estrella. I guess there really are crocodiles in this part of the country and am very happy we did not run into him while surfing! I think I will limit my swimming to clear waters from now on.

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