Friday, December 5, 2008

It’s a bird…it’s a plane…it’s Lili…

As long as I can remember I have had a fear of heights. I don’t do roller coasters. Ferris wheels frighten me and I have been known to scream driving up or down steep hills. So, why on earth would I fly over the tops of trees hooked on a cable? Sometimes there’s just no turning back, I guess. After a long hike, all uphill, we arrived at the canopy tour and gazed out at the first cable which I now understand is 935 feet long and 262 feet high. Lucky for me, one of our guides, Pablo, agreed to go with me on the first cable (and several of the longer, scarier ones that followed). Soon we were deep within the jungle and began zipping from platform to platform. The platforms were hand-built around trees hundreds of feet above the jungle floor. What a view! Robin and Danny were “naturals,” zipping over trees and through them. Robin even rode one cable upside down! Me, not so natural…a little, no, make that a lot of practice on “braking” will make my next trip smoother. All in all it was a thrilling adventure that I would highly recommend to anyone in the area.

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