Friday, December 12, 2008

New addition to the family…

Right before we left for our 6 weeks in AZ, one of the dogs brought a tiny, baby kitten home in its mouth. The poor little thing appeared to be not more than a couple of days old and our attempts to feed it drops of warm milk failed. Luckily our new neighbor, Alfonso, heard the kitten’s cry and came by to tell us (in Spanish of course) that he had the mother. He told us we could keep the kitten when we got back so we gave him some money to feed the mom and babies while we were gone. When we returned to Costa Rica the house next door was empty and Alfonso was gone but there was a cat hanging out at our house…our new cat, Patches. Patches was anxious to impress us during her first few weeks…she would hunt down anything that moved and even caught a bat mid-air as it flew through the house. Patches hangs out with the dogs and has now become a full-fledged member of our menagerie.

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