Friday, September 11, 2009

The one that got away

Jaimie and Martha, our next door Tico neighbors, stopped by one afternoon to see if we wanted to go searching for camarrones (shrimp) with them in the river behind our houses. Within minutes we had changed into swim suits and were enjoying the cool waters of Rio Carbon. Jaimie brought a home-made spear and directed us to look along the tree trunks and under debris along the river’s edge. He successfully showed us how you can stick your hand into a hallowed tree trunk and pull out a shrimp. Gordie and Martha then discovered what they thought was another shrimp in another hallowed trunk. Gordie stuck his hand in and was almost immediately pinched. Determined, he stuck his hand back in and began the battle to remove this shrimp from its hiding place. We didn’t appreciate the viciousness of the struggle until he pulled out the animal’s claw which was at least 10 inches long (see photo). He tried again and pulled another claw. Somehow the creature retreated into the recesses of the tree trunk and never made it to the dinner table, but the claws were delicious.

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