Saturday, September 5, 2009

Stephanie’s place in San Ramon – a Slice of Paradise

Bill and DorisAnn’s vacation was almost over. They had already spent time at the beach at both the Caribbean (Atlantic) and Pacific oceans. We decided they should spend the last day and night in the Central Valley area. This is Costa Rica’s primary agricultural area and where most of the coffee comes from. The climate here is milder and less humid than by the oceans. We chose San Ramon for several reasons. It’s less than an hour to the airport. There is a McDonald’s, Papa John’s and Kentucky Fried Chicken at the mall. There is a mall. And most importantly, this is where Stephanie’s vacation rental is. Stephanie D. Feeney Arias ( lives on 5 acres on the Rio Barranca just minutes from downtown San Ramon. The property is meticulously landscaped. Flowers abound. From the backdoor of the 3-bedroom guest house you cross over a small water feature to the stand-alone “rancho” overlooking the river (think “gazebo”). A well-maintained pathway leads from here to waterfalls on the property. There is also a tilapia pond, swimming pool, and larger rancho with a bar that’s perfect for parties and larger gatherings. But that’s not what makes this place so special. What makes it special is Stephanie. There are little touches throughout. Flower arrangements inside and out. Fresh fruit brought to your door. Coffee in the kitchen. Movie rentals. To put it in the words of our guests, “I could just stay here for the whole vacation.”

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