Saturday, September 5, 2009

The stars of Manual Antonio National Park: Monkeys, monkeys, monkeys

Manual Antonio is Costa Rica’s most visited National Park, as well as one of its smallest, covering only 1,680 acres. Yes, the beaches are drop-dead gorgeous. Yes, the ocean views are breathtaking. But there are many other parts of Costa Rica that could compete with these features. What makes Manual Antonio National Park so exciting is the wildlife. Specifically, the monkeys. Almost guaranteed sightings! I lead friends, Bill and DorisAnn, across the expansive beach and through a small stream to the Park entrance. At least it WAS the Park entrance the last time I was here. The ranger directed me to the new main entrance along an unmarked road behind the main street – already complete with souvenir shops. I left my friends and wandered off to the new location to buy tickets. I returned, tickets in hand, and we entered the Park through the “Exit.” Taking this alternative way through the jungle allowed us to avoid all the crowds. We lost track of Bill a short way down the path – lack of communications I guess – so DorisAnn and I continued along. First we spotted a group of small, endangered squirrel monkeys. We then took a side path that indicated it was heading toward “Cathedral Point.” The path was steep, dark and deserted. Suddenly we heard a “crash,” saw a large palm frond fall to the ground, and heard a great commotion. Much to our surprise there were white-faced capuchin monkeys frolicking all around us. Dozens of monkeys delightfully chattering as they playfully chased each other from branch to branch, heading down the hill toward the beach. We followed suit and went to the most popular beach in the park, Manual Antonio beach. Sure enough, the capuchin moneys were entertaining the crowds by the beach. A swim in the ocean and many monkey photos later, it was time to leave. Since we had come in through the Exit, we were now leaving through the Entrance. Turns out it is all uphill – pretty steep hill at that. I guess they knew what they were doing when they made this the Entrance. Oh, and yes, we found Bill again. At the hotel.

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