Monday, May 10, 2010

The long way home...

From Tonto Basin to Phoenix to Costa Rica via Jamaica. Guess it's not exactly the most direct route, but, after all, my nephew was getting married in Jamaica. So off we went on the 5 AM SuperShuttle to Phoenix Sky Harbor. The flight was uneventful and food-less so by the time we hit Miami International we were HUNGRY. Since we were also facing a 5-hour layover in Miami, it just made sense to leave the airport to eat and explore. On the advice of an airport “info” person, we headed to an area called Bayside. There found numerous cafes featuring every type of seafood imaginable, but nothing on the menu that would appeal to my vegan traveling companion until we spotted a Chili's Restaurant with outside dining on the second floor overlooking the marina. Good food, great views. And judging from the size of the fish the boats were unloading, this is a top notch area for sport fishing. After lunch we still had a little time to explore the numerous shops around Bayside, and decided that the Miami area would make a great destination point for some future trip. Good thing we made this decision before getting back to the airport just in time for a 2-hour delay. Getting to paradise can sometimes be a struggle.

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