Military? Costa Rica? Everyone knows that Costa Rica disbanded their army in 1948. Well, that was their army of MEN. The Costa Rican Army Ants are still going very strong, thank you. Locals and expats alike will advise you to just leave your house for a few hours and let them “do their thing.” You won't find a trace of any bug bits or debris when you return, they guarantee it.
So here I am. Home for 2 days. Alone. At night. As pitch black as only the jungle night can be. No car. No problem - I think. Just enjoying a peaceful evening in paradise. Fearlessly I walk into the kitchen only to stop short in my tracks. At least 50 or so army ants are marching along my lattice windows. Yes, these are the Caribbean-style windows with no glass or screen. I have no flashlight so my escape plan is limited - the best I can do is keep moving from room to room till they're finished and hope they don't decide to clean more than one room at a time. I go back to the safe haven of the living room only to find there is now a brigade of ants passing by on that window sill. Yikes! I wonder if they'll look under the covers for me? I wait. I hope. I pray. Ten minutes go by. I check the living room window again. No army ants. Now to the kitchen. Again, nothing. Miraculously, ALL of the army ants have left without a trace. I can only hope that this was not a scouting party. Safe, at last, until they come again.
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