Thursday, March 3, 2011


We were driving up our road yesterday when a Emerald Basilisk lizard ran across in front of us - on two feet, of course. The species of lizard uses “bipedal locomotion,” keeping its arms at its sides, while it to runs up to 4.8 feet/second for a distance of up to 66 feet. You will also hear them referred to as “Jesus Christ lizards,“ because they can across the water’s surface.

They are a vibrant green color and quite “prehistoric” looking with they distinctive shaped heads. By the time I got my cell phone turned onto “camera” mode the little guy had made it across to the grassy side of the road. My “green-on-green” photo did not show much so I have taken the liberty of including a copyright-free image of the Emerald Basilisk lizard, although nothing beats seeing the “live” version.

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